Episode 15 – Looking for a fix? Stop Jumping!

Episode 15 – Looking for a fix? Stop Jumping!

Episode 15 - Looking for a Fix? stop jumping! Seriously! We spend so many moments upon moments jumping from one fix to another to another without ever really slowing down to explore what we are being shown. In today's episode James & Jules share those "can't keep...

Episode 14 – Are you a victim of suffering?

Episode 14 – Are you a victim of suffering?

Episode 14 - Are you a victim of suffering? After a Facebook post that caused a reaction, James & Jules explore what it really looks like when we are caught up in our own self created suffering and how, although it looks huge at the time, it actually pales in...

Episode 13 – Are we really ever ready for anything?

Episode 13 – Are we really ever ready for anything?

Episode 13 - Are we really ever ready for anything? Today James & Jules explore what it takes to be ready for anything life throws at us and where the most helpful place to be is for when those moments happen. Expect motorway crossings, talks of overwhelm and...

Episode 12 – Be with them till they glow again

Episode 12 – Be with them till they glow again

Episode 12 - Be with them till they glow again. All we ever need is someone just to listen to us so that we can come back to life. In today’s episode James & Jules explore that moment when our own curiosity sparks to ask more about what somebody just said to us. And...

Episode 11 – It’s time to tune out the noise

Episode 11 – It’s time to tune out the noise

Episode 11 - It’s time to tune out the noise. This week we received an amazing review from one of our group members who had accomplished something they had been trying to overcome for a long time. It was the reason they joined our group and reading it inspired us to...

Episode 10 – When do we stop listening?

Episode 10 – When do we stop listening?

Episode 10 - When do we stop listening? As we prepare for our webinar on parenting your anxious teen, James & Jules explore what it is to really listen to our children and how we forget to do that sometimes..

Episode 9 – Resilience

Episode 9 – Resilience

Episode 9 - Resilience. In this episode we explore Resilience. A word that’s really doing the rounds at the moment with phrases like “you need to build resilience” or “increase your resilience to get through what’s coming up” but what if you didn’t need to do either?...

Episode 8 – Trusting Your Instincts

Episode 8 – Trusting Your Instincts

Episode 8 - Trusting your instincts In this episode we explore how when we fall victim to something it’s because we’ve missed our own instincts telling us something is not quite right

Episode 7 – Mental Health Awareness Week

Episode 7 – Mental Health Awareness Week

Episode ' 7 - Mental Health Awareness Week. As Mental health awareness week comes to a close James & Jules explore their take on what our Mental Health really is and how it hasn’t gone anywhere

Episode 6 – The Wise Jack Russell

Episode 6 – The Wise Jack Russell

Episode 6 - The wise Jack Russell. Jules & James talk about the wisdom within an old Jack Russell and how seeing past the behaviour of the dog helps us connect with the joy he still has inside. This then leads into how us as humans actually work in the same way. ...

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