Episode 5 – It’s not personal
Episode 5 - It’s not personal. In this episode we explore how helpful surrendering actually is and by surrendering we actually ease our own suffering.
Episode 4 – The Power of Suggestion
Episode 4 - The Power of Suggestion After last week’s exploration around the power of surrender, this week Jules & James explore the power of suggestion and how what we are told can create our reality in that moment but doesn’t mean it’s true...
Episode 3 – The Power of Surrender
Episode 3 - The Power of Surrender In this episode we explore how helpful surrendering actually is and by surrendering we actually ease our own suffering.
Episode 2 – What if clumsiness is a really helpful wake up call?
Episode 2 - What if clumsiness is a really helpful wake up call? Do you ever have those clumsy moments? We do! And what we've seen around being clumsy has actually just shown us how helpful those cllumsy moments can be!
Episode 1 – Let’s make self development Simple again
Episode 1 - The Myth of Self Development In today's Episode we explore what self development really is and how we can actually get in our own way of letting it happen naturally.